Sunday, September 05, 2004
This is Dunguaire Castle. We went here for an old time banquet. There were three madrigal style entertainers and a harpist who did songs, skits, and poetry from authors who had lived in the area through the years (going all the way back to when the castle was first built). Much fun. The food was good too. ::grins::
Again in the ruins behind Dysert O'Dea. Instead of having a gate or a break in the stone wall, they built steps into it. Thought it was cool, so we took pics.
This is in a graveyard/ruin behind Dysert O'Dea. Dysert O'Dea is an old castle that is open to the public as a historic site type thing. They've furnished the different floors the way they would have been when the castle was inhabited, and there's a movie talking about it's history. It was a cool little place with an awesome lady who told us all the fun information that they leave out of the movie cuz it might not be true. Like there supposedly being a ghost in the castle and how the head of Jesus on the cross in the grounds was removable and stuff. The arch above our heads are faces of humans and animals. Unbelievable architecture.
Gorgeous cross with ruins in the background. This is at Dysert O'Dea on our first day in Ireland (what a mouthful of prepositions that was). I'll be posting another pic of this cross later (which means you've prolly already seen it since posts are in backwards order).
Nicole and me next to a field in Doolin. Look at that sky! I know that our sky is just as gorgeous, but I don't walk around Maryland taking random pictures. If you think about it, Maryland is really gorgeous, but I don't take the time to notice. I think my point is that in Ireland, I was there specifically to see beauty, so I saw it. No, because I was looking for it, I noticed it. Here, I see that beauty (perhaps not the same beauty), but don't notice it. Nyah, there's a Sherlock Holmes quote for you. "I see the same as you, but I have trained myself to notice what I see."
Dad standing by the edge of the Cliffs of Moher. The railing consisted of stone walls about three feet (maybe more) high. Everyone climbed over these walls to get better pictures, and basically if you were stupid enough to fall, it was your own dumb fault. I love America, but we need to get with it with personal responsibility and frivolous lawsuits, ya know? Didn't mean to have a rant there... Dad, cliffs, gorgeous day, excellent photo op.
Just a random castle. We stopped and Dad picked blackberries off the side of the road and we all took pictures. This is down in County Kerry where everything was lush and verdant. ::big grin::
Dad and I with a typical Irish landscape. There was beauty everywhere! In County Clare (pictured here) everything was rugged with limestone and cliffs. The sun had mad mood swings. ::grins:: One hour it would be raining, the next the sun would shine, then you'd have grey skies. It was always gorgeous though. I guess I've got the travel bug. ::big smile:: Watch out, it's infectious.